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J79WTA Dominica Island

Walter, HB9MFM will be active again from Dominica Island until 20 May 2015 as J79WTA.
He will operate on 160 - 6m SSB, Digital modes with focus on 60 and 6m.
QSL via home call.

Dominica Flag of Dominica J79WTA

Dominica J79WTA

Dominica J79WTA DX News Carnival

Dominica J79WTA QSL


The name Dominica comes from the Latin word for Sunday, which was the day on which it was spotted by Christopher Columbus. Its pre-Columbian name by the Caribs was Wai‘tu kubuli, which means "Tall is her body". The indigenous people of the island were the Caribs.

The island became multi-ethnic due to European colonization, which included the importation of numerous African slaves. The French had the longest influence prior to ceding the island to the British in 1763 after losing the Seven Years' War. An Antillean Creole, based on the French language, West African and Carib influences, is still spoken by many residents, especially people of older generations.

Today the Carib have some reserved land, known as the Carib Territory, an area similar to the Indian reserves of Canada or the US. The official language is English, following the island's history since the late 18th century as a British colony, territory, and state. The demonym or adjective is "Dominican" in English. It is pronounced with the syllable stress being on the second "i," serving to distinguish it from same word used in reference to Dominican Republic, in which case the stress is on the first "i".

Dominica is an island nation and borderless country in the Caribbean Sea, the northernmost of the Windward Islands (though it is sometimes considered the southernmost of the Leeward Islands). The size of the country is about 289.5 square miles (750 km2). The capital is Roseau.

Dominica is largely covered by rainforest and is home to the world's second-largest hot spring, Boiling Lake. Dominica has many waterfalls, springs, and rivers. The Calibishie area in the country's northeast has sandy beaches.
Some plants and animals thought to be extinct on surrounding islands can still be found in Dominica's forests. The volcanic nature of the island has attracted scuba divers. The island has several protected areas, including Cabrits National Park, as well as 365 rivers.

On his second voyage to the Caribbean, Dominica was the first New World country that Christopher Columbus discovered. It is said that when his royal sponsors asked Christopher Columbus to describe this island, he crumpled a piece of parchment roughly and threw it on the table. "This", Columbus explained, "is what Dominica looks like—completely covered with mountains with nary a flat spot."

Источник: http://dxnews.com/
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